Introduction to Calculator Apps challenge:
The Calculator apps for math formulas
challenge by Ashiedu Jude, sourced inspirations from the Computer Science Education Week:, Hour of Code™: and Microsoft
Small Basic, as an initiative to encourage computer programming at an early
age for students. And to improve the quality of education as part of the Sustainable Development Global Goals.

However, the Calculator app challenge takes
a different approach, the prominent idea that allow students write codes for
math formulas they used in their math classes. Which will provide them the
added advantage of creating a software alternative to what they do manually.
Skills learnt by students using this
approach are problem solving with algorithms and critical thinking coupled with
digital literacy advantages (Screenshots, publishing etc.), which are all 21st
century skills within and outside the classroom.
There will be eLearning platforms for the
calculator apps project, for teachers who need standard assessment tools, on Canvas,
Moodle cloud, Microsoft in Education and Edmodo websites.
The mission of Calculator Apps challenge:
The vision of the project is to create and promote
standard assessments framework on classroom Coding activities in maths. As this
is critical to a global framework for school authorities and stakeholders to build
assessment tools for computer programming classes in elementary and high
schools respectively.
The calculator apps math challenge will
standardise assessment worthy coding
activities by 70%-80% in participatory classrooms around the world between
two to five years; which would become a requisite in various computer science
and ICT curriculums.
You can read my previous article “Hour of
Code: Teaching problem solving skills in classroom”.
Other coding languages:
The programming language for this lesson is
Small Basic, which is in no way
restricting other computer programming languages i.e. (Thonny Python, Java,
Scratch, C++ etc), that are already being used in some classrooms. The
difference will be in presenting your project as i.e. Small Basic Calculator
apps, Python Calculator apps.
Top ten
(10) benefits of calculator apps projects to each student:
1. Problem
solving skills are learnt understanding Algorithms.
2. Critical thinking skills learnt during coding and debugging programs.
3. Digital literacy skills through publishing and proper documentation of codes.
4. Computer programming skills via App creation.
5. Numeracy and analytical skills converting math formulas into algorithms and
computer codes; which are the core of software development.
6. Career focus and possibly taking up computer science in future.
7. Accurate and efficient curricula assessment of individual student’s ability in
8. Advancing the use Small Basic into Visual Studio.
9. Better chances of understanding how math formulas are created.
10. Fun all the way as they expand their horizon on personal coding activities.
2. Critical thinking skills learnt during coding and debugging programs.
3. Digital literacy skills through publishing and proper documentation of codes.
4. Computer programming skills via App creation.
5. Numeracy and analytical skills converting math formulas into algorithms and
computer codes; which are the core of software development.
6. Career focus and possibly taking up computer science in future.
7. Accurate and efficient curricula assessment of individual student’s ability in
8. Advancing the use Small Basic into Visual Studio.
9. Better chances of understanding how math formulas are created.
10. Fun all the way as they expand their horizon on personal coding activities.
Skype in the Classroom sessions:
To promote the ideals of the Small Basic
Calculator apps challenge, there will be several ongoing Skype sessions via
Skype in the Classroom website, for teachers of participating classrooms, who
would agree and setup guidelines that are peculiar to both classrooms.
This is a list of calculator apps Skype in
the classroom tips, that can be implemented by teachers, to help connect students
to the project:
1. Teachers should discuss what the coding
activity will be all about beforehand.
The use of flashcards carrying a single line of code will help in visualizing students experience.
The use of flashcards carrying a single line of code will help in visualizing students experience.
2. The first school sends less than 8 lines
of code to the other to debug in a short time 1 mins.
3. Or classrooms exchange codes via their
teachers and give to students, who debug, and share results during a Skype
session. Teachers are not allowed to help debug the codes. Codes used should be
well understood by both classrooms.
4. Or classrooms exchange algorithms and
students are expected to convert it to small basic codes. And results presented
during a Skype session.
5. Or "Debug my code challenge"
during a Skype session a classroom displays some buggy codes (5-8) lines on
flashcards to a guest classroom who are typing the codes simultaneously, while
they debug real-time.
6. Tell or write me a code (flashcards). A
classroom tells the other a code verbally, while the other type the codes and
run it.
7. “Tell me what my code can do”. A
classroom designs a code, other classroom read decode the purpose of the code.
8. Code presentation by classrooms. Each
classroom explains details of their codes line by line; while each classroom
takes turn in RUNNING the code, to see how it works.
9. Code flashcards during Skype sessions
between classrooms. Type codes you see on the other classroom flashcards.
10. This is in no wise an exhaustive list
of the calculator apps Skye in the Classroom activities; therefore, it is
important teachers share with other teachers on this blog or social media, what
worked, what didn’t, and tweaks made to help the experience.
Calculator apps on Social Media:
Join teachers
worldwide on social media (Facebook and Twitter) who are talking about their
Calculator apps classroom projects: @edujetage
Facebook and Twitter live events and
classroom demonstrations will come up periodically.
You can post general comments to other
teachers on the page @edujetage.
Share mini video clips and photos of your Skype in the classroom Calculator apps activities,
tips that worked and students’ excitement, with other
teachers and classrooms to celebrate.
The Facebook and Twitter private message
inbox will be available, for special comments, concerns and requests or
external communications.
NOTE: Please
do remember to use the hashtags, if you would also want to spread the word, on
your personal Instagram, snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn and social media accounts
that we do not cover yet.
I will
also appreciate your comments about calculator apps on this blog.
Please send emails
only on official communications:
Download Links:
links for Calculator Apps PowerPoint instructional lesson:
Download link
for zipped file Small Basic pdf, setup & .NET 4.6 setup here:!AqMQcWOoCDS5gQbmTWaA_hGLVx6g
Download link
for Small Basic programming language:
link for .NET ver. 4.6 (backbone for Small Basic to run):
External download
links for Small Basic resources:
Let the games
Great Effort
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