Be proud of yourself for becoming an educator even in times when schoolteachers are not well paid. Learning, studying and investing in yourself do not stop when you start your teaching career; that is when it really starts. The sooner you understand that all the skills you need to learn and thrive in your career, will occur after you leave the confines of the teachers' training college conformity, the sooner you will succeed as a 21st century educator financially and professionally. Here are three game-changing lists that will help expand your influence as a classroom teacher. 

Making these lists a habit will help you execute every productive inspiration that comes your way.

1. To-do list
A schoolteacher To-Do menu includes each day's activities. Never start you day without having to comprehend mentally what it takes to complete the tasks for the day. I structure mine with daily routine tasks but you may find that a weekly list works better. You can optionally organize your to-do list by upcoming classroom/school projects. It is more rewarding to plan and make sure not to include too much on the list at once.
Now as international coordinator, during the gigantic workload managing the International Schools Award projects with colleagues, I made my to-do lists for the next day before I leave the office at night. I run through projects that are coming up and what had to be handled the next day. I include appointments and excursions on the list as well. I digest mentally the processes and when I came in the following day, I just refer to it as my road-map and hit the execution button.

Just because you can do something, does not mean you should handle the chores alone. Taking control is a difficult thing to give up, when you are talking about your career business. Prepare a list of those who can help you execute certain aspects of your projects, irrespective of your ability to do it, only do the follow-up process to ensure accurate completion time.

Outsourcing will provide you the freedom to focus on the tasks you are good at executing flawlessly; this will increase your chances of making productive impact in your classroom.

You want a beautiful design for a morning assembly presentation, meet the art teacher; you want a video coverage and editing for the presentation, meet the computer teacher. So, make a list of all the monotonous tasks that are necessary but that you do not need to get involved yourself. Responsibilities like classroom project video making, art craft, classroom excursion rally etc can easily be outsourced. Using the help of interns or NYSC staff, neighbours, siblings, classroom assistant teachers or even subject teachers will be worth the trouble, as the time you will save is staggering. Make sure you give a few days notification, in order to help them adjust their routine beforehand. The major idea behind your To-Outsource list is for you to focus on your strengths and delegate weaknesses.  

3. To-become list
Oprah Winfrey's mantra, “You become what you believe.” If you were paid more than enough and you had the time to do other things, what next will you become as an educator? The more you indulge in the habit of doing, then it becomes so much easier to attain much. Spreading your professional tentacles (continual impacts on learners and other educators) and making more money in your career is a lifelong practice.
Schoolteachers should get to a point where they can determine what comes into their bank accounts at the end of the month.  Taking time to write down how, what, where, who and when of your professional and financial development, can really seal the deal. Research psychologists admit that you have a 25% chance of achieving you vision by simply writing them down and mentally rehearsing the positive outcome.

Your To-become list can include anything that you want for your teaching business career and your life, include daydreaming activities. Keep thinking big, irrespective of unavailable resources of how you would achieve your goals; scribble it down always (on paper, phone notes etc).

The list will get you motivated, hold you accountable and remind you of priorities in completing your vision. Keep this list somewhere safe and set a reminder in your phone every few months to check it out and see how close you are to become your dream self. 
