Educators Wealth Startegy

Dear Educators/Schoolteachers,

Edujetage is committed to fulfilling the Education for All (EFA) mandate proposed UNESCO by collaborating with educators worldwide on our financial and professional development platform for schoolteachers.

Edujetage is a made up of teachers who are committed to creating an Educational Revolution in reaching out to learners within and outside school in any language, the learner can understand. Edujetage also plans on helping one million teachers in building special contents for learners and making the Internet 80-90% a learning hub.

Edujetage platform is the dream model for educators and schoolteachers that need to create, distribute and manage lesson contents in several languages for learners within and outside school system worldwide and with guarantee payments from licensing and royalties. Schoolteachers on Edujetage platform are in a better position during recruitment with schools and organisation, because they are not just teachers but also authority figures in the fields.

Team Edujetage.

You can reach us on social media.

Twitter:  @edujetage


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